The Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund is marking its 20th anniversary as a milestone of pride and of heritage. And with that comes our renewed promise to welcome new Americans to the Greater Mercer County area with peace and hope.
Heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended our May 15th Legislative Breakfast.

Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora welcomed Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo Onofri and more than 80 guests to Trenton Country Club to listen to LALDEF’s 20th Anniversary message to the communities it serves.

‘Ambassadorship’ was the message of the day! Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo Onofri was honored to receive a Team LALDEF shirt from Executive Director Cecy Weeast after delivering the keynote address.

Marking LALDEF’s 20th Anniversary milestone were Chairman of the Board Pete Taft, Executive Director Cecy Weeast, President Sasa Montano, Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo Onofri and Board Development Chair Karen Ali.

LALDEF was appreciative of its 20th Anniversary Event Sponsors, including Law Offices of Jason Scott Camilo, LLC representatives of whom are pictured here.
LALDEF has a proven record of advocacy, empowerment, and resilience. The organization has helped Latino immigrants with their transition and assimilation into the United States and put them on a path to citizenship.
The LALDEF mission of promoting the rights of all immigrants (with a focus on the Latin American community in the Mercer County area); facilitating access to health care, education, and legal representation; advocating for the integration of immigrants; and fostering intercultural communication to strengthen our communities fit perfectly with the Prosecutor’s Office community outreach efforts.
The goals of LALDEF to increase immigrant integration, raise the social capital of immigrants and provide civic education about rights and responsibilities to working immigrant families, and serving the community at large by creating cross-cultural understanding between native and foreign-born, accepting, and appreciating our differences, while recognizing our common humanity and mutual interest in contributing to a thriving, fair and diverse community are goals that we all can appreciate.
As President Kennedy said in his book, A Nation of Immigrants, “the interaction of disparate cultures, the vehemence of the ideals that led the immigrants here, the opportunity offered by a new life, all give America a flavor and a character that make it unmistakable and remarkable to people.”
I believe in the words of President Reagan who said, “our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands…who seek a better life.”
LALDEF is in the forefront in preparing immigrants for life in Mercer County.
It is said we cannot say “Thank you” enough.
As we celebrate the achievements of LALDEF, we also reaffirm our collective commitment to advancing social justice and equality for all.
In a world where inequities persist — fueled by language and cultural differences — organizations like The Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund stand for the power of advocacy, education and the community engagement needed to affect positive change!
If you are so moved, please become a financial supporter by donating.